MilitaryReport: ADS-B is a Cyber Risk to US Military Aircraft U.S. Defense Department officials have yet to address known cybersecurity risks associated with a military aircraft tracking tool and have only two years before the system must be fully integrated, according to…
MilitaryUS Air Force Enlists Harris to Provide F-16 Support The U.S. Air Force has awarded Harris Corporation a contract to provide support and updates for its electronic warfare systems on board the international version of the F-16. F-16s from eight countries…
CommercialBoeing Dreamliner Cruises to Commercial Certification Boeing announced that its 787-10 Dreamliner has been FAA certified for commercial service. The 330-passenger jet, like the rest of the carbon-fiber Dreamliner line, emphasizes fuel efficiency. Boeing claims an approximate 25%…
ConnectivityIndia Releases IFC Recommendations In-flight connectivity will be coming to India. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has released its recommendations for connectivity usage in the region, including the sanction of voice, data and video services…
Business & GAForeFlight Founder Talks App Growth in Cockpits Since ForeFlight launched in 2007 on the eve of the iPhone revolution, the company’s star has continued to rise, and today, it is the aviation industry’s undisputed go-to app for situational awareness…
MilitaryDrone Controlled via Satcom in General Atomics Test General Atomics Aeronautical Systems successfully showed off the satellite-controlled launch and recovery capabilities of its MQ-9B remotely piloted aircraft, aiming to eliminate the need for a ground control station and crew at…
ATM ModernizationSESAR and Qatar Come Together on ATC Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking and the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority have signed an agreement pledging increased cooperation between the two organizations beginning immediately. The groups hope that the exchange…
Embedded AvionicsAirbus and Honeywell Team on Runway Safety Honeywell Aerospace and Airbus flight operations and ATM subsidiary NAVBLUE have signed an agreement to combine technologies to offer a runway safety solution. Honeywell will provide its SmartLanding system — an upgrade…