ATM ModernizationRelief en Route for Oversaturated Runways The European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation completed a real-time simulation aimed at more efficiently using runway capacity. Faced with European airports that are becoming saturated, the solution being tested…
Business & GAVistaJet's 2017 Growth a Sign of Things to Come A strong 2017 and private equity investment pushed private aviation company VistaJet’s value over $2.5 billion, making it tied for the fourth most well-funded startup in Europe. The company reported growth in…
CommercialNew Satcom Option Could Be Bargain For Boeing 737 Max Airlines considering purchasing or operating the Boeing 737 MAX have a new option available when considering what type of satellite communications hardware to equip on the aircraft. Miami, Florida-based avionics manufacturer…
Business & GAMany Operators Exempt From Upcoming ICAO Carbon Requirements Beginning in 2020, ICAO's Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation will require that airlines operating flights between more than 70 participating countries to purchase carbon credits if they fail to comply with…
ATM ModernizationWill Drones be Coming to a Runway Near You? A gaming exercise led by Italian air navigation service provider Enav explored the possibility of integrating the operation of large drones and remotely piloted aircraft systems at airports in a two-day workshop…
ConnectivityAWN Exec: Next Step is More Testing In February 2017, Avionics profiled the ambitions of Airborne Wireless Network, which has a goal of using airborne aircraft as signal repeaters that are capable of generating wireless internet signals. Throughout 2017, AWN…
CommercialAirbus Reports Record Deliveries for the 15th Time Airbus delivered 718 aircraft to 85 customers in 2017, setting a new mark for the company for the 15th year in a row. Beyond the deliveries, Airbus reported 1,109 total net orders…
CommercialThis Company Is Continuing the Search for Missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 A company specializing in collecting high-resolution geophysical seabed data is looking for Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. The Malaysian government accepted the Ocean Infinity’s proposal for the 90-day search. “Whilst there can be…