Embedded AvionicsChina Ready to Boost Funding in AVIC Avionics AviChina Industry & Technology Company Ltd. is hoping to raise funds for AVIC Avionics. “The total amount of proceeds from the Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds will be [2.4 billion Yuan],” AviChina…
CommercialKorea Establishes Alliance to Take Avionics to International Markets South Korea plans to take on the international market. With a newly established Aviation Industry Alliance, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said it hopes to expand exports “through technical cooperation…
MilitaryV-22 to Receive DVE Improvements Under Cockpit Upgrade Contract The Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey needs some avionics support, and the U.S. Defense Department has tapped the manufacturer to provide it. Funds are coming from the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy, with…
CommercialFour Commercial Trends Hitting Aviation in 2018 Despite longer-lasting aircraft, more durable engines and innovations in maintenance techniques, recent research has shown maintenance spending continues to increase. In fact, airlines now spend more money on maintenance than on fuel…
CommercialUPS, Boeing 757 Hacking and More Top Avionics Articles of 2017 We write a multitude of articles over the course of a year. Between our daily website content and our print magazine — along with other special projects — there are many options…
CommercialAre Boeing and Embraer Talking About a Merger? It was the Wall Street Journal that grabbed attention first for reporting a possible original equipment manufacturer (OEM) acquisition. It has since been confirmed: Boeing and Embraer are talking. Boeing’s official statement:…
CommercialAlaska Airlines: Fleet upgrades and Flight Innovation For example, the airline is conducting flight trials to evaluate the use of NASA’s Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) software. TASAR is designed to allow flight crews to make trajectory change
ConnectivityHow Secure Are IFEC Systems? Then came SwiftBroadband service followed by more powerful high-bandwidth satellites and Wi-Fi in the cabin, and with it, a proliferation of passenger smartphones and other devices. It’s not surprising that