CommercialHow the Use of EFBs is Evolving in Cockpits In October, the FAA published new guidance concerning electronic flight bag (EFB) applications. An updated Advisory Circular (AC) has been issued for aircraft system designers, installers and operators who may want guidance…
CommercialEremenko on Airbus Departure: 'Life is Short,' 'We must Optimize for Happiness’ It is the opinion of many that the aerospace industry is currently going through an exciting, transformational period. Research efforts are taking shape quickly, bringing the general public closer to making concepts…
Embedded AvionicsMIT Now Offers Graduate Fellowships to Increase Diversity in Aerospace Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s (MIT) AeroAstro program created a pool of graduate fellowships designated for females and underrepresented persons. It hopes to increase “diversity in the next generation of aerospace engineers,” AeroAstro…
CommercialNew Airline Business Models Put Aircraft Maintenance Center Stage Commercial aviation maintenance models have changed drastically over the past 20 years. New industry standards, shorter asset lifespans and a new generation of technologically advanced aircraft have constantly kept operators and maintenance…
ATM ModernizationNew SESAR Project to Provide Air Traffic Trajectories in Single View The Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR) Joint Undertaking (JU) is developing solutions and procedures to provide a single view of air traffic trajectories. The program said this is aimed…
CommercialAirbus CTO Eremenko to Leave Post for UTC Just two days ago Avionics cited Airbus CTO Paul Eremenko’s hybrid election propulsion goal for the company. However, news broke Thursday that Eremenko planned to take his services to United Technologies Corp.…
IIOTDOD Taking Mission-Specific Approach to Growth in Cyber Threats The increasing frequency and widening attack vector of cyber warfare threats is forcing U.S. military officials to adopt a more mission-specific approach to defensive operations rather than attempting to defend entire networks.…
CommercialDrone Strike Hazards Confirmed in New Manned-Unmanned Study When an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) struck a Beechcraft King Air 100’s wing last month in Canada, it showed that hypothetical “what-ifs” about the dangers of drones flying around manned aircraft aren’t…