MilitaryUS Navy Awards $9M for Cybersecurity R&D Under Prototype Program GrammaTech Inc. has been awarded a contract from the U.S. Office of Naval Research for cybersecurity, the company said. For three years and $9 million, GrammaTech is set to research and develop…
ATM ModernizationNATS Completes Human Machine Interface Design for SESAR NATS has completed designing a new human machine interface (HMI) for air traffic controllers, working toward Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) deployment, NATS said. The interface could help implement new airspace…
CommercialSatcom Direct FANS Data Link Unit Receives Another FAA TSO Certification Satcom Direct’s FANS-1/A Data Link Unit (DLU) has received FAA Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C159c for Future Air Navigation System (FANS) over Iridium flight deck data communications. The company said this DLU is…
ConnectivityServices by Airbus VP Sees 50% of Fleet Connected by 2020 Half of the total in-service Airbus commercial airplanes are projected to feature in-flight connectivity by 2020, according to Xavier Bertran, vice president of upgrade solutions for the manufacturer's Services by Airbus business…
ATM ModernizationEurocontrol Says SESAR 'Generally' Making Progress at ECAC Level The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) has been making progress, Eurocontrol said. The organization cited the 2016 European ATM Master Plan Level 3 Implementation Report, saying it “paints a generally positive picture…
RegulationEASA, FAA Sign Reach Milestone in Validation Improvement Road Map EASA and the FAA have signed Revision 6 to the Technical Implementation Procedures for airworthiness and environmental certification, EASA said. It was signed Sept. 22 during the Certification Management Meeting held in…
Business & GASatcom Direct to Launch Router for Some Business Aircraft Satcom Direct’s SD LTE Hub has received parts manufacturer approval from the FAA, the company said. The product is set to launch during National Business Aviation Association Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition…
MilitaryFirst Upgraded MK21B Takes First Flight At Leonardo’s facility in Yeovil, England, the first upgraded MK21B Super Lynx for the Brazilian navy took its first flight, Leonardo said. This is the first of eight aircraft that are set…