Business & GAEnvoy Air Picks Universal SBAS-FMS for Embraers Envoy Air has selected Universal Avionics’ SBAS-FMS for the wide-area augmentation system upgrade of its fleet of Embraer EMB-140 and EMB-145 aircraft, which are fitted with legacy Universal flight management systems (FMS).…
Embedded AvionicsDenmark's Naviair Upgrades Frequentis Weather Info System Denmark’s Naviair by the end of this year will be able to support the full digital exchange of aeronautical weather information through a new Frequentis upgrade of its smartWeather system using the…
ATM ModernizationDutch ANSP, Aireon to Evaluate Space-Based ADS-B Aireon and the Netherlands’ air navigation service provider have agreed to evaluate the cost and efficiency of space-based ADS-B as a secondary and contingency air traffic surveillance system. Aireon said the memorandum…
ATM ModernizationWhy 18 Percent of ADS-B Aircraft Have NPE The latest available data from FAA shows that 18 percent of all U.S. registered ADS-B equipped aircraft have non performing equipment (NPE). Here, we provide a breakdown of the most common installation…
Business & GAVideo: Embry-Riddle, CETYS Collaboration Adds Master's Engineering Classes in Mexico A CETYS University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Worldwide Campus collaboration will address the needs and interests of the aerospace industry in Mexico with a master's program in engineering and innovation. Courses began…
MilitaryF-35 Flies More than 100,000 hours as Development Continues The Lockheed Martin F-35 fleet has exceeded 100,000 flight hours, the manufacturer said. "This 100K milestone marks a significant level of maturity for the program and the F-35 weapons system," said Jeff…
ATM ModernizationSingapore Looks to Upgrade Low-Altitude Satellite SAR System with Investment Singapore wants to enhance search and rescue capabilities, so it has invested in a ground system. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) have…
Business & GABombardier Business Aircraft Adds a Challenger 300 Simulator Bombardier Business Aircraft has added a Challenger 300 simulator to its Bombardier Dallas Training Centre, the company said. The simulator was certificated by the FAA at Bombardier’s Dallas/Fort Worth Airport. “As the…