CommercialBombardier CS100 Completes Latest Flight Testing A Bombardier C Series aircraft featuring a representative payload completed a non-stop flight from London City Airport (LCY) to John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport in New York City. The direct intercontinental flight…
Embedded AvionicsNew Partnership Targets Aerospace Security Validation Ensco Avionics is launching a technology alliance with TrustPhi to offer DO-326A aerospace security solutions. Under the alliance, both companies will seek to provide services to help aerospace and defense companies design…
ConnectivityGE Aviation Acquires AirVault GE Aviation has confirmed its acquisition of cloud-based digital aircraft records management company AirVault. According to a statement released by GE on the acquisition, the acquisition of AirVault will strengthen GE's ability…
ATM ModernizationEurocontrol Aims to Help Single European Sky Focus on Operator Needs Focusing on the needs of the aircraft operator, rather than the needs of an air navigation service provider, is how Eurocontrol anticipates being able to meet goals for Single European Sky. The organization…
MilitaryElbit to Provide US Navy with Helmet Display Tracker Systems The U.S. Navy has contracted Elbit Systems of America to deliver helmet display tracker systems and associated line items for the Sikorsky MH-60 Seahawk, the U.S. Defense Dept. says. The contract, worth…
Business & GA'Loss of Control' Tops NBAA List of Safety Focus Areas for 2017 Each year, the National Business Aviation Assn. (NBAA) holds a risk-assessment meeting in which the NBAA Safety Committee reviews safety survey results, risk-based safety data, and qualitative input from industry and regulatory…
Embedded AvionicsSenators Reintroduce Aircraft Cyber Security Legislation Two U.S. lawmakers have reintroduced legislation that would require the disclosure of information relating to cyberattacks on aircraft systems and maintenance and ground support systems for aircraft. Under the proposed legislation, airlines…
MilitaryFirst AW101 Merlin Mk4 with Upgraded Avionics Takes Maiden Flight The first Leonardo AW101 Merlin Mk4 with advanced General Dynamics and TTTech avionics has completed its maiden flight, TTTech says. TTTech provided its TTE-End System A664 Rugged PMC to General Dynamics. It was…