Embedded AvionicsUS Air Force Awards Raytheon $26.9 Million to Upgrade C-130 Radios U.S. Air Force C-130H Hercules aircraft. Photo: Wikimedia [Avionics Today 12-14-2015] The U.S. Air Force has awarded Raytheon a $29.6 million contract to install MXF-626K Very High Frequency (VHF) communications systems on…
ATM ModernizationEuropean Commission Backs Slovenia-Eurocontrol ATM Data as Service Project The European Commission will be supporting the ATM Data as a Service (ADaaS) three-year project between Slovenia Control and EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht UAC (MUAC). Photo: Eurocontrol [Avionics Today 12-14-2015] The European Union’s Connecting…
Business & GAStrat Aero Acquires Fellow UAS Company, Aero Kinetics [Avionics Today 12-14-2015] International Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) company Strat Aero has acquired Aero Kinetics, the first company to file for FAA Type Certification for multi-rotor unmanned aircraft. The acquisition of Aero…
Business & GAGulfstream Launches GE650ER in the Middle East with Qatar Airways Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive Akbar Al Baker receives an aircraft model from Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. Photo: Gulfstream [Avionics Today 12-14-2015] Gulfstream Aerospace formally delivered a Gulfstream G650ER to Qatar Airways, the first airline…
Business & GAHobbyists Required to Register UAS Under New IFR [Avionics Today 12-14-2015] In a move to reign in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) as numbers flourish, Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Anthony Foxx alongside FAA Deputy Administrator Michael G. Whitaker announced on…
Business & GARDD to Upgrade Avionics, Structure for Lancair IV-P [Avionics Today 12-15-2015] RDD Enterprises, an experimental aircraft research, design and development firm, has announced a major upgrade for Lancair IV and IV-P airframes. The conversion, carrying the LX7 moniker, replaces the…
CommercialLockheed Martin Delivers Final C-5M Super Galaxy to US Air Force Lockheed Martin C-5M Super Galaxy. Photo: Lockheed Martin [Avionics Today 12-15-2015] Lockheed Martin delivered the last modernized C-5M Super Galaxy to the U.S. Air Force on Dec. 9. The aircraft was the…
Business & GAFAA Awards Certification for Gulfstream Smart Cabin Upgrades Gulfstream GIV. Photo: Gulfstream [Avionics Today 12-15-2015] Gulfstream Aerospace has received approval from the FAA to install the Gogo Business Aviation UCS 5000 smart cabin system on Gulfstream GV and GIV aircraft.…