ATM ModernizationDutch Safety Board: ICAO Should have Closed Airspace to Prevent Downing of MH17 [Aviation Today 10-13-2015] The downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on July 17, 2014 was caused by the detonation of a 9N314M-type warhead launched from the eastern part of Ukraine using a…
ATM ModernizationThompson to Boost Flight Tracking for Orbis [Avionics Today 10-13-2015] Orbis, the New York-based Flying Eye Hospital, is enhancing its aircraft flight tracking capabilities with a donation from Thompson Aerospace. The organization had been looking to up its ability…
CommercialMcMurdo Group to Develop Next Generation SAR Technology [Avionics Today 10-12-2015] McMurdo Group has been selected by the European Commission to lead a consortium including Air France, Cobham Aerospace Communications and several other partners in the development of next generation…
ATM ModernizationFlying Colors MRO Achieves Bombardier Challenger 604/605 ADS-B STC [Avionics Today 10-12-2015] Canadian completions, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) company Flying Colours Corp., has secured a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out for Bombardier Challenger 600-2B16 (604…
CommercialBoeing Buys EASA Pilot Training Software Boeing Flight Services Vice President Sherry Carbary and Wilfried Peters, the director of Ab-Initio Training Programs at the Boeing Flight Services Signing. Photo: Boeing [Avionics Today 10-12-2015] Boeing has acquired Peters Software,…
Business & GARockwell Collins Tech Streams UAS Video to Military Helicopter Cockpits Cockpit featuring streaming video from UAS on the first screen to the right. Photo: Rockwell Collins [Avionics Today 10-12-2015] Rockwell Collins has delivered its Secure Real Time Video (SRTV) solution to the…
CommercialTechnical Issue Delays Southwest Flights Photo: Southwest [Avionics Today 10-12-2015] Southwest says it has fixed an issue with its customer service technical power systems that delayed an estimated 836 flights on Sunday. According to the company, despite…
ATM ModernizationPlay the Avionics News Quiz of October 9 Have you been too busy trying to strike a deal with your corporate nemesis to keep up with the news? As long as you’re not a certain Canadian manufacturer, we hope you’ve…