Advanced TechnologyUSAF Looking for "Revolutionary" Concepts for Next Generation Refueler-Airlift Teaming As the U.S. Air Force develops systems to operate from austere locations and counter adversary attempts to disrupt U.S. military supply chains, the service is seeking "revolutionary" ideas on the future teaming…
Advanced TechnologyContenders for Army's New Attack Recon Rotorcraft Receive New GE Engines After Nearly Yearlong Delay Both contenders for the Army’s new Future Attack Recon Aircraft (FARA) have now received their General Electric T901 Improved Turbine Engined and have begun installation on their respective advanced rotorcraft. Delivery of…
Business & GANBAA Asks Senate For FAA Administrator Approval LAS VEGAS – The National Business Aviation Association is again encouraging the Senate to approve Michael Whitaker as the permanent head of the Federal Aviation Administration. President Joe Biden nominated the veteran…
Editor's NoteCurtiss-Wright Teams With Ultra PCS For New HUMS Offering LAS VEGAS – Curtiss-Wright and Ultra PCS are teaming up to build a new cockpit voice and data recorder that also includes health and usage monitoring of rotorcraft. The so-called “FortressHUMS,” combines…
Business & GABusiness Execs Mindful of Aviation Carbon Footprint, New Airbus Study says LAS VEGAS – A new study commissioned by Airbus asked senior executives of large U.S. companies that use business aviation show the firms are well aware of their carbon footprints and want…
UnmannedTwo College Stadiums Adopt Anti-drone Tech from AeroDefense LAS VEGAS -- The University of Washington’s Husky Stadium and Fresno State’s Valley Children’s Stadium have both deployed new drone detection systems to ward off unauthorized aerial incursions. College stadiums have been…
AI & AutonomyShield AI Launches Autonomy Product For Multiple V-BAT UAS Having recently completed successful testing and demonstrations of its artificial intelligence piloting software for drone swarms, Shield AI has launched a new product that allows the company’s V-BAT uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) to…
CommercialeasyJet Partners with Airbus on Carbon-Removal Initiative easyJet has become the world's first airline to ink a deal with Airbus for their novel carbon-removal initiative, part of the Airbus Carbon Capture Offer. This initiative harnesses Direct Air Carbon Capture…